Common Tree Service FAQs

Cincinnati Arbor Services of Cincinnati, OH, provides a variety of arbor services, including tree removal, pruning, and stump grinding.

  • What should I ask when hiring a tree professional?

    The lowest cost does not always mean the best service. Always request to see that they are insured, licensed, and carry workman's comp. Make sure they have the right equipment to make clean, healthy cuts so they do not cause further damage to your tree. It is better to pay a little more for a professional tree service than to have to pay twice to have someone complete the work or repair damage later. If they are not insured and the job does not go as planned, there could be loss to your property and possible court cost.

  • Should I trim or remove trees in the winter?

    Trees are dormant in the winter and bleed less sap. Trimming a tree in the winter allows the tree to heal faster and be ready to sprout new growth in the spring.

  • Can I harm a tree if I try to trim or reduce the size myself?

    When a tree is cut or is broken, it leaves a wound that exposes the tree to disease. Trees need their leaves to bring in food via photosynthesis. A professional tree trimmer has the proper equipment and knowledge on how to properly remove deadwood or any branches to protect the tree and provide healthy growth. Trained professionals perform clean and healthy cuts.

  • Why would I need to raise or trim the tree canopy?

    A dense canopy increases the risk of disease or insect infestation. When the canopy is dense it prevents the air from flowing through the branches which provides the perfect conditions for pests and disease.

  • Should I have dead trees or branches removed?

    The process of removing dead branches is called deadwooding. Removing large dead branches prevents accidents. Don't be tempted to let branches fall on their own. When trees or branches die they become dry and brittle. At any time, they could fall on your family, your neighbor, your pets, your home, or other personal property. Don't take the risk, the price may end up costing you more than you expect. 

  • Can I trim too many branches from my trees?

    Always have a tree professional trim your tree. A tree transports food through the leaves and branches. Trimming more than 25% of a tree's branches weakens the food supply and causes stress from it trying to heal multiple wounds. Trees are living organisms and need to heal from damage. 

  • What are the signs of a dead or dying tree?

    Sticks everywhere on the ground, the bark is falling off, there is rot or fungus on the tree, the tree is recently leaning, wilted or no leaves, termites or other pests, root damage, brittle branches, and no green under the bark. Some trees are diseased and, if treated, may be saved. Not all pests are bad for a tree. If in doubt, call a tree professional to evaluate the trees.

Helpful hints:
Trees need water and sunlight. Never water too close to the trunk. In dry weather, water the tree 1-2 times a week outside the canopy line, never close to the trunk. When it rains the rain flows down the canopy to the roots outside the canopy and feeds back to the tree.
Mulch helps a tree if the mulch is spread properly. Spread the mulch in a 3-5 foot diameter around the tree, or as far as the tree's drip line. Leave an inch or two of space between the mulch and the base of the tree. Do not pile mulch against the tree trunk, as this may cause fungal or rodent problems.
Keep the mulch layer between 2 and 4 inches deep, depending on the soil type. Thinner layers are better for heavy soils, and thicker layers for well-drained soils.

Give our professional stump grinding team a call today at (513) 306-6876.

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